get your pigs and peach pie

this is a book about window boxes and organic life choices and how to keep bees in the city.

it has a chapter on making your own baby food (scones for sophie, lily!) and a chapter on foraging for greens and a chapter about what types of pigs are easiest to rear.

i can't wait to be a farmer!

i'll set up a stand and sell honey and bouquets of sweet peas and jeremy will sell fresh lemonade and we'll only open shop when we need money for ice cream bars and we'll always close early for naps before supper.


noranicholas said...

What is the name of this book? It sounds wonderful!

jennifer sorrell said...

it's called 'a slice of organic life' by sheherazade goldsmith'.

it has three chickens on the front! or roosters? they have those red comb things.

noranicholas said...

Thanks :)